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For Men

It seems obvious that Women’s Services & Resources can benefit women…but what about men?

Women’s Services & Resources aims to facilitate the personal, academic, and spiritual success of BYU students. This is done by empowering ALL students through education and by connecting them with resources that will help them to excel as individuals, build thriving families, and strengthen their communities. WSR invites and encourages MEN to contribute to and participate in helping us to reach these goals and fulfill the mission of our office.

All of WSR’s services are free and available to both women and MEN. Services include: events, campaigns, nutrition and wellness consultations, volunteer opportunities, and much more!

WSR invites MEN to attend our events, volunteer to help, and access our services. If you have questions about how you can get involved or receive services, please stop by our office, 3328 WSC, or call us at 801-422-4877. Hope to see you soon.