The Body Project

Empower BYU women with the tools to combat society’s unrealistic appearance ideal and embrace all the wonderful aspects of themselves and others and focus on reaching their full potential while at BYU and throughout their lives.
BYU women will resist cultural pressures to adhere to the appearance ideal in their daily lives and increase their confidence and body satisfaction.
Come participate in The Body Project — a group of students working together to decrease adherence to the appearance ideal and increase body acceptance!
THE BODY PROJECT is a fun and interactive program designed to empower women to challenge unrealistic cultural messages about the ideal appearance and develop healthy body acceptance. Participants will have the opportunity to critique the appearance ideal through verbal, written, and behavioral exercises.
Through these exercises, women learn the costs of pursuing appearance ideals, ways to combat them, and the basics of body activism. Participants will leave this training with skills to promote body acceptance of diverse body shapes and sizes, counter negative appearance talk in their daily lives, and embrace all of the wonderful non-appearance-related aspects of themselves and others.
Participation requires a commitment to attend two, two-hour sessions led by peer leaders in a comfortable environment. Sign up for The Body Project Here:
Hannah Whiting
Zoie Harrison

Brittany Matus