Nutrition & Wellness Consultations Skip to main content

Nutrition & Wellness Consultations

Our Nutrition and Wellness Consultant offers one-on-one consultations to give you the information and direction you need to achieve a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle.

Specific topics include emotional eating, healthy weight loss, nutrition for exercising, grocery shopping on a budget, meal planning, incorporating a well-balanced diet into a busy schedule, how to have a more active lifestyle, and sleep recommendations.

You are also welcome to invite a friend or spouse to join you. Use the link above to schedule an appointment or email

*Appointments are now in person at our office, WSC 3328, unless a Zoom meeting is specifically asked for.

Additional Resources:

Information Sheets
Click here for a complete list of Information Sheets on various nutrition and wellness topics.

Eating Disorders
If you are interested in a consultation regarding an eating disorder, click here to begin the online paperwork with BYU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS).

*The services at BYU CAPS are free for full and three-quarter time (enrolled in at least 9 credits during Fall or Winter, 4.5 for Spring or Summer), day-time BYU students.