Values & Goals Skip to main content

Values & Goals

Our Values

• Compassion: We will provide services in a spirit of compassion, hope, and understanding.
• Integrity: Our actions and words will demonstrate integrity, authenticity, and strong moral principles.
• Respect: We will respect all with whom we come in contact and we value the opinions and perspectives of others.
• Trust: We will be dependable, loyal, and genuinely committed to those we serve, university administration, and the community.

Our Goals

• Provide a physically and emotionally safe place where students can express their feelings, concerns, viewpoints, and ideas
• Provide opportunities for women to help, befriend, and network with other women
• Develop women as future leaders in their families, communities, and worldwide
• Sustain the BYU administration in their efforts and in all ways support the mission and aims of the university
• Foster an environment that encourages teamwork and provides for the success, growth, and fulfillment of WSR staff
• Ensure accountability to the students, donors, and administration of BYU, as well as to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints