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What is WSR?

Welcome to Brigham Young University Women's Services & Resources!

WSR is a Brigham Young University office with an information and referral network for students, staff, and faculty. We address women's issues in a positive, proactive way. As a Campus Life office, we collaborate with other BYU offices and departments, as well as the community, to best serve both the women and men at BYU. Our services, events, and educational programs have been created to meet your needs and enhance your college experience.

Services & Resources

WSR supports you in the challenges you face by providing a place for you to be heard, receive useful information, and connect to appropriate resources. The consultations, support groups, and wellness services are designed to help you overcome issues from eating disorders to breakups and everything in between.

WSR's knowledgeable and trained staff members are here to buoy you up in your quest for success and happiness at BYU. We offer services—as well as references to additional resources and professionals when needed—to all members of the BYU community, including men.

Education & Empowerment

In addition to helping you deal with difficulties, WSR also focuses on celebrating all the good in education and womanhood. We offer events, workshops, and volunteer opportunities to further your knowledge and success at BYU and beyond. WSR facilitates connections between women by providing you with opportunities to befriend, network with, and serve one another.

You don't have to be struggling to visit our office—WSR is for everyone! Whether you want to learn more about women's issues, discuss family and career balance, or improve your nutrition habits, WSR is here for you. WSR's goal is to empower you throughout your college experience to recognize your individuality and divine worth.

Stop by 3326 WSC anytime! Also, take a look at our upcoming events and workshops, annual campaigns, and volunteer opportunities to learn more about how you can get involved.